They say that the world revolves around sex. Well, looking at realities to refute this claim is quite difficult. Adult one way or another, appears in many components of modern life: advertising, literature, cinema, and simply becomes a frequent topic of conversation in the Office kurilkah.
Who would be that neither spoken, but in the eyes of society, rich life style makes guys better. Impotent men the same cause on this problem of people only sympathy. It is the physical ability to have sex makes a man a man. It is therefore only natural that so many important issue revolves around a lot of speculation.
Talk about the most common. So, 5 allegations regarding potency and are myths.
No. 1: "size" is set to
Misleading, according to which the sexual activity of the stronger sex is directly linked to the dimensions of the penis goes in the nation for a long time. However, most women can tell stories about assertive "males" with an impressive dignity, whose expected megasposobnosti in fact turned out to be quite mediocre.
Actually bedding features men depend on its physiological data, primarily from the level of viagra in the blood. And the number of inches here at anything.
No. 2: no sex after 40
Many men believe that in reaching this age potency will begin to decline rapidly at first, but after a short time will be completely lost.
In fact, the main cause of erectile dysfunction is not so much physical, how many emotional and psychological problems. Healthy and self-assured lovers often until old age do not experience such problems.
No. 3: erectile dysfunction saves change partners
There is a perception among men that fading sexual activity is directly dependent on the lack of sexual diversity, this myth is often used to justify their own edit.
It is actually a regular change of women is for the most part the stronger sex serious stress. No matter how cocky was a man, he can't control subconscious fear of every sex act with a new "not familiar" with a partner. That is why it is better to maintain a constant sexual partnership and thus as long as you remain a great lover.
No. 4: impotence can be cured by injections of hormones
This misconception is widespread among men with sexual dysfunction.
The root cause of the weak potency does not necessarily become testosterone deficiency is quite a complex phenomenon, dependent on many factors. External interference in the work of the body can only exacerbate the problem, until you stop the health of the reproductive system.
No. 5: impotence is forever
Who says that she is not treated? Modern conditions even older gentlemen allow you to get rid of this ailment.
A large percentage of those suffering from a lack of male power in fact experiencing psychological problems that involve personal feelings or fears. Such things help psychotherapists. In case of infringements of the physiological nature you can always see a doctor-andrologu.
Sexual energy men — his important heritage. You must refer to it seriously and not to despair if something goes wrong. It is important to remember that almost all problems with potency, today can be solved.